Panorama Stitching has come to Luminar Neo

Creating Panoramas has come to Luminar Neo. And not just for photos

With the release of this extension, you can now.

  • Stitch together Raw and JPeg images to create your super wide shots.
  • HDR Panorama’s. Lets you combine multiple exposures and brackets into a single HDR panorama
  • Create Panoramas from Video. This lets you add your video footage and extract frames to create your panorama
  • Object or subject composition panoramas. lets you select a specific subject in your video and convert that to a panorama

I’ll admit that I have yet to do the options that involved video, but this is a feature that I was not expecting so I’ll have to explore that.


If you have a monthly or annual subscription, you have access to this new extension now. For others, there is special pricing.

For new users, you will get the Panorama extension for $49 with the purchase of Luminar Neo

For existing users of the lifetime license, you can add the Panorama extension for $39

Special pricing ends soon.

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