Back Online :)

I’m finally back online after being down due to lack of power

With scenes like this I consider myself lucky we weren’t down longer


Recent Sale – US Naval Academy Insignia, again :)

US Naval Academy Insiginia

Been lucky again to have a sale. I do appreciate any purchase that has been made.

This is a picture of the US Naval Academy Insignia/Coat of Arms that is on the wall of the visitors center at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis Md.

I have it labeled as the insignia as not being in the military or associated with the Naval Academy, I had to look it up on the visitors website to see what it was called. I have since been told that it is actually the coat of arms.

My apologies to any Naval Academy personal or graduate if I offended by calling it the wrong thing.

I wish to thank the local buyer from Leroy, NY for purchasing one of my photos.

I’m sure it will look nice on your wall

Recent Sale of “US Naval Academy Insignia”

US Naval Academy Insignia

This is a picture of the US Naval Academy Insignia that is on the wall of the visitors center at the Academy in Annapolis Md.

[update – I’ve been informed that this is technically the Naval Academy Coat of Arms]

I wish to thank the local buyer from Annapolis for purchasing one of my photos.

Nice choice of framing by them, If I do say to myself.

Just a reminder, you don’t have to get the print framed as you can just get the print itself on a variety of media choices, including phone cases now.

A Recent Sale of “To the point”

Photo of a Corvette titled To the point
To the point

I have again been lucky to have another sale of one of my photos.

This is a photo of the rear of a 1963 Corvette that was taken at the GreenMount Station Car show in 2013

Thank you to the buyer from Reese, MI, I hope you like your print when it arrives.

A HDR Tutorial that I recommend – “High Dynamic Range Photography Tutorial”

If you can’t tell by now, I’m a big fan of Trey Ratcliff of Of his work, his methods and thoughts on photography.

After getting my DSLR camera, a Nikon D80, I was taking family pictures, travel pictures, and many many pictures of my daughters softball teams. I think I had gotten quite good at taking the action shots of the players and enjoyed upping my level of skill.

So after my daughter finished playing softball in high school I started looking around for something else to master with my camera. While looking around I stumbled across Trey’s site and saw the HDR Tutorial and it peaked my interest.

For those who don’t know what HDR is, in its simplest description, it is a way to combine multiple images into one to show the full range of light in the photography similar to what your eye sees. In a single picture taken by any camera, the full range of light captured is alway much less that what your eye is actually able to see as your eyes can see a greater range of light from the dark to the light areas of the scene. Tray’s tutorial describes HDR it in more detail.

So if you are looking for one way to improve on your photography to get more detail into your photos, start where I did and check out the free tutorial.

HDR Tutorial – High Dynamic Range Photography Tutorial.

I know it’s cold. Spring is just around the corner

20140108-001221.jpgIt’s been rather cold around here in Maryland recently. Yes I know you folks from the North think this is nothing, but for here is it way below our normal temperatures.

Plum trees in spring
Plum trees in spring


I’m trying to stay positive and keep thinking that spring and warm scenes like this are only a few months away

Happy 2014

Local Fireworks 9

I’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year

I hope 2014 will be a great year for you all

Recent Sale

The Hershey Kiss lights on Chocolate Ave
The Hershey Kiss lights on Chocolate Ave

I have been lucky again to have sold one of my images. I’m sure the buyer from Harrisburg PA will enjoy their new canvas print.

This print can be found on (note hosted on, hence their watermark on the preview)

I’m live

I’ve finally changed the Domain settings so I guess I”m now live on the internet at

I’m sure I’m going to be making changes as time goes on.  I guess this will always be a work in progress as I’m the type of person that is almost never totally happy with things and am always tinkering.

But for now, Welcome.

My First Post

We I’m finally diving into the world of online blogging after procrastinating for years.

I hope to have my own insights along with what I have found to be of use to me in helping me learn the art of photography.

I’ll state it up front that I still consider myself very much an amateur photographer. I do post some of my work on my website for those who might wish to buy some of it.

For now, enjoy one of my favorite Panoramas of Baltimore

Baltimore Inner Harbor with Tall Ships at night.