Important notice for Mac OS and select Fuji GFX and X-Series users

I usually don’t post vendor emails or notices directly here, but this one is important for users of select GFX and X series Fuji camera that also use Mac OS as it could lead to a loss of your valuable images.

Important notice for consumers processing FUJIFILM digital camera files using macOS
FUJIFILM Corporation has identified a firmware incompatibility between specific X Series and GFX System cameras and computers operating macOS. This incompatibility can result in macOS users being unable to directly access files if they were initially saved to SDXC memory cards in-camera.

To prevent this anomaly, Fujifilm is creating a firmware patch, which will be made available for free download by X Series and GFX System users as soon as it is completed.
READ THE NOTICE to see if your particular camera is effected.

Although a fix is in the works, it is not here yet. Read the notice above to determine if it effects your camera and what precautions you can take now to avoid losing your images.

This issue only effects Mac OS and not Windows.